Watch Your Mouth - CD Series

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Watch Your Mouth – CD Series

When it comes to riding a horse or steering a massive cruise ship, all that it takes to control the massive beast or boat is the work of a very tiny object. A horse, much bigger than its rider, can be controlled by the bit in its mouth, while the boat is controlled by its rudder. Tony Evans compares these to the human tongue, and says that by getting your tongue in gear, you can steer the course of your whole life. Dr. Tony Evans delves into a deeper understanding of the tongue and how, if you use it the way God intended, it is capable of doing incredible things.

#1 – Dynamite in Your Dentures (James 3:1-12): There are people in our lives who have gotten to where they are because someone was able to speak life into them. Similarly, there are those who are where they are because someone spoke death into them. Your mouth has the power to not only direct your life, but also the lives of others. In this lesson, discover the power you have to determine life or death with each word you speak.

#2 – Judgement in Your Jaws (Matthew 12:31-37): If you find yourself unable to stop gossiping, it is because you have the heart of a gossip. If you find yourself cussing like a sailor, it is because you have the heart of a sailor. The mouth only articulates what the heart declares, which means fixing the mouth isn’t addressing the real problem. In this lesson, Tony Evans takes a look at the real culprit behind our words and the impact it will have on us at the judgment seat.

#3 – Power in Your Palate (Mark 11:20-26): In the Bible, Jesus uses a mountain as a symbol for a problem that is too big for us to climb and too wide for us to go around. Your mountain could be a person in your life or an addiction, but Tony Evans wants to remind you of the authority you have through Christ Jesus over your circumstances. Discover how to determine the will of God in order to seize the victory that God has already authorized to you.

#4 – God in Your Gums (Exodus 4:10-13): Every one of us can fit into one of two categories: those who have hurt others with the tongue, and those who have been damaged by the tongue. God knows the tongue is a dangerous weapon, so He put it behind a cage called your teeth. But when we let it out, how can we be certain that we’ll use it in a way that works for us and not against us? In this lesson, Tony Evans discusses how a major part of your relationship with God is letting Him be in control of your tongue.

#5 – Victory in Your Voice (2 Chronicles 20:1-25): Has life ever had you feeling helpless, hopeless, overwhelmed and outnumbered? That’s exactly how Jehoshaphat felt when he found himself surrounded by his enemies. But sometimes, God allows us to feel overwhelmed in order for us to experience a greater view of Him. Discover how your outward adoration of God can be the key to the deliverance of your circumstances because the enemy simply cannot handle your praise.

#6 – Lord Over Your Lips (Matthew 16:21-23): Many Christians today want to be blessed and healed by God but aren’t willing to give Him ownership over their lives. One of the most difficult things to relinquish to God is the control over your lips. In this lesson, Tony Evans discusses that, while you may want to speak whatever feels right to you, God wants your lips to reflect what He says about any particular subject.

#7 – Symptoms of Unholy Speech (Proverbs 20:19): If God wants us to use our mouths in the way that He meant for them to be used, how can we be sure that our talk reflects what it ought to be? Luckily for us, there are numerous symptoms of bad speech that we can keep an eye out for. In this lesson, Tony Evans takes a look at three symptoms of unholy speech you should strive to avoid at all costs: gossip, slander and bearing a false witness.

#8 – The Symptoms of Deceptive Speech (1 Peter 3:10): We all know how a lie can hold you hostage. If the devil can make you believe a lie is the truth, he can own you. Tony Evans says that when we knowingly trick or deceive another person, we’re imitating the devil. Learn what the Bible has to say about the deceptive use of the tongue in this look at the symptoms of deceptive speech.

#9 – Symptoms of Wise Speech (Psalm 15:1-7): The Bible uses the word wisdom to describe negotiating the twists and turns of life. But if true wisdom means applying spiritual truth to everyday decisions, where and how do we attain such a critical skill? Learn more about the true meaning of wisdom, and how trying to obtain it without God can have you looking more foolish instead.

#10 – Symptoms of an Irreverent Tongue (Ephesians 4:29-30): In today’s age, you’ll find that the majority of TV shows and movies are full of cursing and swearing. But when you speak profanities, it’s more than just your language talking—it’s also your heart. Join Tony Evans as he discusses unwholesome talk and the dangers of how cursing others may just be inviting the curse upon yourself.