The Stewardship of the Kingdom- CD

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Kingdom Life – CD Series

Dr. Evans’ Kingdom Life series teaches us that to be successful as a Kingdom person we must seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness. When we make our own plans with input from the world and friends we wonder why our plans failed. When we leave God out of the equation we miss His blessings and don’t experience the power of the Kingdom. This series will sharpen your spiritual focus, draw you closer to Jesus and teach you how to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.

#1 – Priority of the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25-34): Have you ever found yourself saying amongst the busyness of life, “I just don’t have time for God”? Tony Evans says that the reason we don’t have the time for Him is that we are putting other things first. In this lesson, learn to seek first the Kingdom of God and take hold of the key to kingdom success found in the prioritization of God’s rulership.

#2 – The Blessing of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:1-12): When Jesus spoke to his disciples about what we refer to as the beatitudes, it was to bring them from the place of mere Christianity to being avid pursuers of the King and His kingdom. In this lesson, Tony Evans wants to see this transformation in your life, too, as he dives into the benefits and truths of those who adopt this kingdom mindset. Transform your life today with the blessings that God has in store for you.

#3 – The Impact of the Kingdom (Matthew 5:13-16): In Biblical times, salt was used to play a key role in the process of food preservation. This is why Jesus also referred to His disciples as being the salt of the earth. Just like it was their job then, it’s our job now to postpone cultural decay and make the world thirsty for Christ Jesus. Learn what it looks like to be a kingdom character and make a kingdom impact in your society today.

#4 – The Calling of the Kingdom (Acts 13:32-39): Many people today spend their lives climbing the ladder of success, only to find upon reaching the top that the ladder was leaning against the wrong wall. If you’ve been placed on this world, it’s because God has a unique and special purpose for you to serve. In this lesson on David, discover your calling as a Christian to live under the kingdom rule of God and serve the purpose that He has for your life.

#5 – The Stewardship of the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30): Jesus often taught in parables in order to better explain the principals that we should ultimately be living by. In the parable of the talents, Jesus touches on the topic of stewardship, which can be defined as protecting and expanding the possessions of another. In this lesson, Tony Evans discusses the differences between a good and bad steward along with the three key factors that make up your stewardship as a whole.

#6 – The Power of the Kingdom (Acts 1:1-8): We all have a refrigerator in our homes, but it doesn’t matter how much food you store inside if you never plug it in—no power means no results. Tony Evans says the reason that Christians are living as victims instead of victors is that we’ve replaced power with too much program. In this lesson on the power of the kingdom, learn about the source of power that God has given to each of us that is known as the Holy Spirit.