The Existence of Angels - CD

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Angels: Good Bad & Ugly, Vol 1 - CD Series

The angelic realm can be a mysterious place, but have you ever wondered what impact it has on your daily life? While God created angels to operate and function for His will and even our own good, Satan will use his fallen angels to wage spiritual warfare and cause havoc in your life. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he covers the good, the bad and the ugly of God’s past and present servants: the angels.

#1 – The Existence of Angels (Ezekiel 1:4-21): Angels are everywhere to be found, whether they’re a statue in a gift shop or a character in a television show or movie. But Tony Evans wants you to realize that real angels roam everywhere as he talks about how there’s nothing we can do that doesn’t interact with the angelic realm.

#2 – The Ministry of Angels (John 1:47-51): Do you ever wonder what angels are always up to? Tony Evans says angels are essentially God’s staff whose job it is to fulfill the intentions of our King Himself. Learn what Scripture has to say about the role of angels in this lesson.

#3 – The Operation of Angels (Colossians 1:16): Just as a flourishing business operates within a chain of command, angels work the same way. In this lesson, learn about the different classes God assigned to angels and how He structured our universe to be run by them.

#4 – The Activation of Angels (Isaiah 6:1-8): Most people do not realize you are capable of “activating” or “deactivating” angels. In other words, the things that you do can determine whether God allows angels to act on your behalf or not. In this lesson, learn how you can position yourself in a way where God can allow His servants to intervene in and influence your life more fully.

#5 – The Existence of Demons (Matthew 12:22-29): You cannot fight a war if you believe there is no enemy. Tony Evans wants to remind you that demons are very real and will even try to camouflage themselves as one of God’s servants. In this lesson, learn how to position Christ in your life that you might limit the influence and impact of demons.

#6 – The Program of Demons (1 Corinthians 10:20-22): Tony Evans says we must understand how demons work so that we might have a better understanding of how to wage spiritual warfare. In this lesson, learn about the doctrine of demons and how operating in unity with God makes you a conqueror in Christ over demons.