Connecting Your Plans w/ God's Providence (Esther)

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Series Description: God has a purpose for your life, and every action or event that occurs within it has been used to make that purpose a bona fide reality. The story of Esther appears to be a series of coincidences strung together to deliver the Jews from extermination. In fact, God selected Esther for a particular purpose at a particular time.

Seeing the Invisible Hand (Esther 1–2): Often, we speak of the providence of God, pertaining to His protection and His provision. Another aspect of His providence is the way in which God works “behind the scenes” in situations where it might seem He is absent. Tony Evans explains the theology behind the God who works with an invisible hand.

For Such a Time as This (Esther 3–4): Every time we get ready to do something important, it seems like everything starts to fall apart. When it comes to spiritual preparation, Satan stands in the wings ready to wage war against our efforts. But as Tony Evans points out, God’s perfect timing uses the strategies of Satan against him and works them in our favor.

Divine Coincidences (Esther 5–6): Contrary to popular opinion, there is no such thing as luck. Rather, what appears to be a coincidence is actually God’s providence combined with His divine timing. Using the story of Esther, Tony Evans demonstrates how God puts all the pieces of the puzzle together to prepare us for “such a time as this.”

Divine Reversals (Esther 7–8): As you watch the details of your life unfold, it might appear as though things are moving in a particularly bad direction. If that continues, many of us might see our circumstances as irreversible. That’s where God comes in; He has the capacity to take the irreversible circumstances of our lives and reverse them on a dime.

Date with Destiny (Esther 9–10): Perhaps the most important thing we should know as we endure hardship and tragedy is that God has a plan of deliverance. Satan may have selected a day where he thinks he will destroy you, but the God of divine reversals has replaced that day of destruction for date with destiny.

Connecting Your Plans with God's Providence (Esther 4:13-17): There are so many threads woven into the fabric of our lives. Our decisions, other’s decisions and even circumstances beyond our control all contribute to the essence of what our lives are about. It should inspire you to know that God has blended all of these threads together to craft His perfect plan for you.