Binding and Loosing with Authority- CD

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Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority, Vol2 – CD Series

In this insightful series, Dr. Evans shows you how you are to rule your circumstances, emotions and your world rather than allowing it to rule you. The authority is yours. You have more to say about your future than you may realize. You were created to exercise authority and dominion in your life. You were created to rule.

Messages include:

#7 – Binding and Loosing with Authority (Matthew 16:13-19): If you’re going through life
and find defeat to be a typical occurrence, then something may be out of sync. Tony Evans says that God gives us the key to the kingdom of heaven that brings victory, but if you don’t think to use heaven’s solution to address your earthly problem, it will never get solved. Learn to stop seeking earthly solutions to your earthly problems in this lesson on binding and loosing.

#8 – Created to Rule with a Purpose (Ephesians 2:8-10): Just like an ingenious painter creating a work of art, when God created you He made you a unique masterpiece with a divine purpose. But Satan wants you to lose sight of your uniqueness in order to try and pull you out of sight of God’s plan. Discover the spiritual fulfillment of doing the good works you were created to do because of the masterpiece God made you into.

#9 – Ruling Your Personal World (Matthew 16:21-26): In the Bible, Jesus commands us to
deny ourselves and take up our own cross—but what does that process truly entail? Tony Evans says the cross that He mentions isn’t our circumstances or strongholds as many might think but is rather simply dying to yourself. Discover how one of the reasons we’re not ruling our personal worlds is because we allow things to live that Christ says have to die if we are to follow Him.

#10 – Ruling through the Word (James 1:19-25): There are many Christians who find
themselves satisfied by merely hearing a sermon or reading a few verses each day. But Tony
Evans wants you to know about John’s secret to being transformed by the Spirit: by abiding in
the Word. Discover how to cultivate the Word that God has implanted within you and your soul
will never be the same.

#11 – Ruling through Prayer (John 14:7-15): Has prayer ever felt like a broken vending
machine in your life? No matter how much time and resources you put into it, nothing good ever comes back out causing you to feel frustrated and confused. In this lesson, Tony Evans
challenges you to view prayer differently as he reassures you of the power in prayer and how it’s an essential step in redeeming your right to rule.

#12 – Rules for Ruling Your World (Joshua 1:1-9): Many people spend their whole lives
defining their success by how much money they have or what title they hold. But Tony Evans
says that we should measure our success by simply whether or not we arrive at the destination that God has ordained for us. In this lesson, explore four key principals crucial to taking charge of your life to help you pursue the Biblical success that God wants for you.