Kingdom Stewardship Volume 2 - CD Series

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God has a house, and it’s called His kingdom. Not only does He own the house, but He owns everything that’s inside of it. That’s why He chose to create His very own management company over His creation: you. In the series Kingdom Stewardship, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at the responsibility of living as a kingdom steward that God has given every single one of us. Once you understand you’re merely the manager of everything placed in your hands, it will change your outlook on life forever.

Kingdom Stewardship Volume 2 CD Series Description


The Priority of Kingdom Stewardship (Proverbs 3:9-10): There are a lot of people who have given into the mentality of putting God on a shelf—they may glance over at Him from time to time but He’s no priority in their lives. Well, God rejects being second, third or anything but first because of who He is, and many Christians are left wondering why He’s not showing up when they need Him to. Learn more on how there isn’t a single category in your life where He shouldn’t be given the first priority that He is due.

The Rewards of Kingdom Stewardship (Philippians 4:15-20): The gift of salvation is free and will always continue to be. But just like a rewards program, God loves to give additional gifts to those who serve faithfully as a kingdom steward. In this lesson, Tony Evans talks about seven bonuses you can expect to receive when you place yourself in the right position under God’s rulership.

The Legacy of Kingdom Stewardship (Luke 16:1-13): In the Bible, Jesus often used parables to take His listeners from a relatable human story to an applicable spiritual principle. But not all lessons are learned from honest choices, as Jesus provides a lesson about a bad man in the parable of the unrighteous steward. Avoid squandering your life as you learn how to live with an eternal perspective as a representative of God.

The Freedom of Kingdom Stewardship (2 Kings 4:1-7): There are far too many people today who find themselves drowning in a sea of debt, holding them back from living life the way it was designed to be lived. Well, God wants to see you set free from being owned by debt caused by ignorance, greed or poor planning. Join Tony Evans as he looks at what the Bible says can set you on the path to freedom and how you can overcome the circumstances that seek to lure you back into financial instability.

The Vocation of Kingdom Stewardship (Colossians 3:22-25): Before sin had even entered the world, God had already created the act of working. In fact, one of the primary ways in which kingdom stewardship is exercised is through work. But when God created work, He created it as a partnership between Him and the worker. In this lesson, Tony Evans discusses the thorns and thistles that can crop up in our work environments when we disconnect our work from God.

Reclaiming of Kingdom Stewardship (1 Samuel 30:1-20): Whether its joy, peace, relationships or a purpose, Satan has been the thief of many things that God had in store for us. But whatever has been illegitimately stolen from you is not gone forever—you have been given the right to reclaim it through the stewardship God has given you. Experience the story of David and his journey to take back what God had intended for him to have.