30 Days to Victory Through Forgiveness

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From bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans, author of Victory in Spiritual Warfare comes a month-long journey to overcoming unforgiveness.

It happened so long ago....and yet here you are, still harboring unforgiveness for that devastating offense. Maybe it was a loved one who betrayed you...or someone you barely knew. Perhaps it's even God you're still blaming for your bitterness.

The good news is that you no longer need to hold on to that festering wound. In just 30 days, you can be free from that heavy weight of offense you've carried so long.

Allow Dr. Evans to come alongside and gently lead you through some specific steps to victory over unforgiveness. All you have to lose is your pain.


Paperback: 96 Pages

5.0 out of 5 stars Five StarsJuly 18, 2016
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This review is from: 30 Days to Victory Through Forgiveness (Kindle Edition)
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it! Helps so muchDecember 27, 2015
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This review is from: 30 Days to Victory Through Forgiveness (Paperback)
I am quite the fan of Tony Evans! I heard him preach on the radio and God's Word was so moving! I highly recommend this book! I forgive because God's forgiven me! There are days I struggle when a past situation comes back into memory and I can get angry or bitter. This book helps with that! Whatever spectrum on forgiveness that you're on. Whether it's really hard for you or you struggle only sometimes. Short read. Powerful read. Clarity. Great perspectives that you need to hear! It will really help!